ME #5 - August 11 - Snowbird
This is the LAST Mini Enduro race of the season! In addition to a fun night of racing, we’ll have a season finale party as well. Be prepared for the possibility of food, extra entertainment, an opportunity drawing (free tickets for racers and volunteers + more tickets for purchase), and other fun for the whole family.
Please fill it out & sign electronically, save as a pdf with your name in the filename, and email it to or ASAP.
Parking is in the Gad Valley parking lot near Creekside Sports at Snowbird Entry 1.
Number pick up/check-in begins at 4:00pm in the Gad Valley Parking Lot. Look for the Bike Utah tent.
START TIMES are the exact time you will start racing Stage 1. Please arrive early enough to pick up your race plate and climb up to Stage 1 before your start time! Individual Start Times will be emailed to all participants once registration is closed and will also be attached at the end of this post.
It is YOUR responsibility to arrive at the start of STAGE 1- (Big Mountain/Midway), BEFORE your start time. Racers may not race Stage 2 first.
Snowbird Mini Enduro Map
There are two stages to our Mini Enduro races.
ALL RACERS will race both stages in this order: STAGE 1 - Big Mountain/Midway and STAGE 2 - Baby Thunder
For a slow and relaxed pace on the climb, plan on around 25-45 minutes to ride up to Stage 1. Plan your time accordingly and do not miss your start time. The start time you received is the time you must be at the STAGE 1 Start READY TO RACE! Plan on a 20-30 minute ride up to Stage 2, depending on how fast you ride. Both stages will use Gad Summer Road and Rothman Way as the stage transfer. Watch out for other racers and public users on the trail. Be polite.
There will be 2 minute intervals between classes at STAGE 1
If Sport riders arrive at STAGE 2 while Youth/Beginner riders are still completing their STAGE 2, racers may request a 1 minute interval. STAGE 2 intervals will be 30 seconds otherwise.