ME #2 - June 30 - Deer Valley


Deer Valley requires all waivers signed BEFORE you race, and we will be keeping track. We will not allow anyone up to Stage 1 without a signed waiver.

Click the button below to begin the process. Once you’re at the Deer Valley waiver site, press the green Summer Activities button TWICE. If you already have a Deer Valley account, you’ll need to know your 4-digit PIN. (FYI, Allison & Trilby do not know your PIN. Please do not email us for that! Click the “I forgot my PIN” button or get in touch with Deer Valley for that!)

If you haven’t raced with us before read Racing 101


  1. Parking for this race is at Deer Valley Snow Park Lodge Parking Lots. Click HERE for directions.

  2. Number pick up/check-in begins at 4:00pm in the plaza by the Snow Park Lodge. Look for the Bike Utah tents.

  3. All racers must check in and be checked off the waiver list. You MUST have a signed Deer Valley waiver BEFORE you will be allowed to race.

  4. POSTED START TIMES are the exact time you will start racing Stage 1. Please arrive early enough to pick up your race plate and climb up to Stage 1 before your start time!

  5. It is YOUR responsibility to arrive at the start of STAGE 1- (Undertow for Beginners and Handcycles - DEVO for all other classes), BEFORE your start time. Racers may not race Stage 2 first. While pre riding, remember that Fourpoint is a designated downhill only trail. It is available to us on race night, but you will need to take Mid-Mountain around to Silver Lake Lodge at any other time to get to DEVO.


Deer Valley Mini Enduro #2 Map

If you are pre riding the course, you must take Midmountain around to Silver Lake Lodge and ride up to DEVO from there. Lower Deer Crest, Gap to Deer Crest, St. Regis Connector, and Pipeline are all currently closed for construction. Lower Devo (below the red star/finish line on our map) is also closed for construction.

There are two stages to our Mini Enduro races.

ALL RACERS will race both stages in order.

IMPORTANT STAGING INFORMATION FOR DEER VALLEY: Beginners and Handcyclists will be racing BOTH stages on Undertow. Your Stage 1 start and your Stage 2 start will be at the same place. All others will race Stage 1 on DEVO and then transfer up to Undertow for Stage 2. You will ride up Fourpoint to get to DEVO on RACE NIGHT ONLY! This is a designated downhill only trail, but we are able to use it for a shorter transfer on race night.

For a slow and relaxed pace on the climb, plan on around 30-50 minutes to ride up to Stage 1. Plan your time accordingly and do not miss your start time. The start time you received is the time you must be at the STAGE 1 Start READY TO RACE! Plan on a 30-40 minute ride up to Stage 2, depending on how fast you ride. Both stages will use Deer Crest as part of the stage transfer. Watch out for other racers and public users on the trail. Be polite.

There will be 1-2 minute intervals between classes at STAGE 1.

If Sport+ riders arrive at STAGE 2 while Youth/Beginner/Handcycle riders are still completing their STAGE 2, racers may request a 1 or 2 minute interval and/or we may move Youth/Beginner/Handcycle riders in line in front of you. STAGE 2 intervals will be 30 seconds otherwise.